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Supporting families during Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond

As your Doula, I will work with you to create a memorable and positive birth experience. My job is to support, educate and provide care to you during this important stage of your life. I am passionate about natural childbirth and helping people parent in confidence.  Please take a moment to click on the link below for more information about my business. You can print my name in the search option to find out more about what I do. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Home: Welcome


I am a mother to three beautiful children. Although my births ranged from traumatic to ecstatic, each one taught me something about myself and what I believed my body was capable of doing. Over time my pain grew into a passion and I realized I wanted to become a doula. I wanted to help other women have good birth and postpartum experiences. To show them they were cared for and not alone in this journey. I learned first hand how important it is to be supported during pregnancy, labor, birth and beyond.  Since then I have completed the Birth and Postpartum Doula Courses at Childbirth International and am forever grateful for the opportunities this job has given me to make a positive difference in the lives of expectant parents. If you'd like to learn more about Childbirth International courses please click on the link below.

Home: About Me


All pregnancies are different, with each experience being special and unique in their own way. That’s why I work with you to customize my support services, always striving to meet your needs and expectations. I invite you to view the services I offer below and get in touch with me to schedule an initial meeting.


Much of the care a woman receives is during her pregnancy. After the parents leave the hospital with their new bundle of joy they are sent into the world with a "farewell and good luck." This can often leave new parents feeling anxious and left alone to figure out their new roles as parents. Hiring a Postpartum Doula will give you the extra support you need with learning basic baby care skills, breastfeeding and/or formula feeding, sibling support, night parenting, and light housework/cooking. Postpartum Doulas are educated in postpartum mood disorders and can greatly reduce the chances of the mother (or father) becoming depressed or anxious.

Mother and Baby


From our initial meeting all the way through your pregnancy and delivery, I take the time to get to know you, your concerns and your needs. I’m always available to contact by phone/email throughout and will provide everything you require to make sure your experience is positive and helpful. After your baby is born I will continue with postpartum visits for up to six weeks. It's amazing how many things change in such a short amount of time and I want you to feel supported throughout these early weeks postpartum.

Hand on Bump


If you are looking for a prenatal or postnatal class, without the cost and services of a doula, I provide one-on-one classes in the comfort of your own home. Some of the things you will learn about are: the progression of labor, types of pain management, basic baby care, mood disorders, healthy lifestyles, what to expect during the first several weeks after baby is born and much more. Classes are educational and enjoyable for expectant parents because they are taught in a personal way in the safety of their own home.

Home: Services

Herbal Baths are a wonderful way to promote healing in the mother after she's given birth. Baby will love it too! Made up of three organic herbs, sea salt, and fresh garlic this is a wonderful way for mother and baby to start bonding. An herbal bath kit is included in my Birth Doula services.

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Please contact me with any questions you have regarding my services and how I can help to create a beautiful birth experience with you.


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